I'm gonna take you over.
1.....2..........2 and a half..........2 and three quarters.........2 and five.......oh just do it already!
{blink blink}
TAH DAH, I'm just one of jillion estimated people who will start their own blogs today and lend their opinions to the growing cacophony on the internet!Personally, this is the third and a half blog I've attempted myself. You know, they just don't last when the excitement and newness of it all wears off. Then, my blog address that took me hours to come up with something memorable and catchy gets thrown out in the collective waste basket of neglected, moldy net garbage, and all the time I spent working on the design part of the thing is wasted......sigh. I'm really trying hard this time though and have confidence I can keep it alive for, OH....maybe 45 days.
So yeah, when I do, I'm going to throw an online celebration for all of my loyal readers and give away a fancy car, a trip to Jamaica and a diamond encrusted Rolex. Yep, just as soon as I find my fairy godmother or deaf and blind sugar-daddy, cause you know, that's the only way THAT'S going to happen.
I've written before that I love reading blogs more than I love writing my own. I've had the distinct pleasure of expanding my reading repertoire lately with some slap-ass funny bloggers who in just a few posts of their own, unknowingly re-inspired me to start this venture yet again. So here it is: "it's written all over your face" my blog...which is a line from the INXS song "New Sensation".
There's a few reasons for calling my blog by this name. First of all, I'm not the kind of person who can hide things very easily. Usually people know up front what kind of mood I'm in by glancing at my visage which is just one of a million reasons I don't play poker (inability to put on a poker face -- just in case you weren't able to follow that line of thinking there), but that's another story.
Also, I was diagnosed last year with rosacea which is not all as fun as "My you're looking rosy-cheeked today" as my former boss liked to joke. Yes, rosacea sufferers learn to live with this cure-less condition and what foods, activities or situations trigger the outbreaks. Suffice to say that merely LIVING triggers mine!
Secondly, I have a tendency to wake up in the morning with a portion of a song playing over and over in my head. Some mornings, I stumble to the bathroom mirror and see the fugliness of left over mascara I missed the night before and the new connect the dots pattern my outbreaks have created with "I like big butts" stuck in my subconscious like a broken record.
This morning, the voice of the lost and lovely Michael Hutchence comes screaming out of my inner stereo, "LOOOOVVVVEEEEE baby LOOOOVVVEEEEE....it's written all over your face. There's something bettah, we can do, than live forevah. And that's the reaaason why I'm heeerrrreee." Or something like that. I've been listening to all of my favorite INXS songs lately because I've been enthralled by the summer CBS reality show, Rock Star INXS to see who's going to front the band now. I think Jordis, Ty, Marty or MiG would be great choices.
Which also makes me reminiscent about the spring of 1985 when E (one of my best friends from high school) and I begged my Mom to drive our fishnetted-flouncyminiskirt and pastelcolored-tanktop-underthe-neckcutout-ofthesweatshirt-soyourshouldersshowed-wearing selves to a theme park to see a semi new to the USA band who was playing there. She was way ahead of everyone at our school with her taste in music, and I owe my love for Duran Duran, Billy Idol and all things SKA to her!
Anyway, she was forever reading SPIN magazine or the cool magazine from the Sunday LA Times and told me that Adam Ant and this Australian group of hotties were in California playing small venues and did I want to go see them with her? Also, her Mom wouldn't let her go most places unless I went too because her Mom and Dad thought I was this safe and stable influence in her life and maybe I was, and maybe I was also dying to be adventurous and sublimely cool like her.
Coming soon: We beg my Mom to take us until she flat out gives in.
I hope you'll come back to my humble little blog and hear the rest of my story!
YAY! my fellow rosacean is up and running...
looking forward to reading more!
Posted by: Whoorl
{blink blink}
TAH DAH, I'm just one of jillion estimated people who will start their own blogs today and lend their opinions to the growing cacophony on the internet!Personally, this is the third and a half blog I've attempted myself. You know, they just don't last when the excitement and newness of it all wears off. Then, my blog address that took me hours to come up with something memorable and catchy gets thrown out in the collective waste basket of neglected, moldy net garbage, and all the time I spent working on the design part of the thing is wasted......sigh. I'm really trying hard this time though and have confidence I can keep it alive for, OH....maybe 45 days.
So yeah, when I do, I'm going to throw an online celebration for all of my loyal readers and give away a fancy car, a trip to Jamaica and a diamond encrusted Rolex. Yep, just as soon as I find my fairy godmother or deaf and blind sugar-daddy, cause you know, that's the only way THAT'S going to happen.
I've written before that I love reading blogs more than I love writing my own. I've had the distinct pleasure of expanding my reading repertoire lately with some slap-ass funny bloggers who in just a few posts of their own, unknowingly re-inspired me to start this venture yet again. So here it is: "it's written all over your face" my blog...which is a line from the INXS song "New Sensation".
There's a few reasons for calling my blog by this name. First of all, I'm not the kind of person who can hide things very easily. Usually people know up front what kind of mood I'm in by glancing at my visage which is just one of a million reasons I don't play poker (inability to put on a poker face -- just in case you weren't able to follow that line of thinking there), but that's another story.
Also, I was diagnosed last year with rosacea which is not all as fun as "My you're looking rosy-cheeked today" as my former boss liked to joke. Yes, rosacea sufferers learn to live with this cure-less condition and what foods, activities or situations trigger the outbreaks. Suffice to say that merely LIVING triggers mine!
Secondly, I have a tendency to wake up in the morning with a portion of a song playing over and over in my head. Some mornings, I stumble to the bathroom mirror and see the fugliness of left over mascara I missed the night before and the new connect the dots pattern my outbreaks have created with "I like big butts" stuck in my subconscious like a broken record.
This morning, the voice of the lost and lovely Michael Hutchence comes screaming out of my inner stereo, "LOOOOVVVVEEEEE baby LOOOOVVVEEEEE....it's written all over your face. There's something bettah, we can do, than live forevah. And that's the reaaason why I'm heeerrrreee." Or something like that. I've been listening to all of my favorite INXS songs lately because I've been enthralled by the summer CBS reality show, Rock Star INXS to see who's going to front the band now. I think Jordis, Ty, Marty or MiG would be great choices.
Which also makes me reminiscent about the spring of 1985 when E (one of my best friends from high school) and I begged my Mom to drive our fishnetted-flouncyminiskirt and pastelcolored-tanktop-underthe-neckcutout-ofthesweatshirt-soyourshouldersshowed-wearing selves to a theme park to see a semi new to the USA band who was playing there. She was way ahead of everyone at our school with her taste in music, and I owe my love for Duran Duran, Billy Idol and all things SKA to her!
Anyway, she was forever reading SPIN magazine or the cool magazine from the Sunday LA Times and told me that Adam Ant and this Australian group of hotties were in California playing small venues and did I want to go see them with her? Also, her Mom wouldn't let her go most places unless I went too because her Mom and Dad thought I was this safe and stable influence in her life and maybe I was, and maybe I was also dying to be adventurous and sublimely cool like her.
Coming soon: We beg my Mom to take us until she flat out gives in.
I hope you'll come back to my humble little blog and hear the rest of my story!
YAY! my fellow rosacean is up and running...
looking forward to reading more!
Posted by: Whoorl
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