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Monday, August 15, 2005 

Did you notice if you turn a heart upside down it looks just like an ASS?

"Hey, wait. I've got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice." - Nirvana

Yep, that's the selection my subconscious chose for my morning jukebox today -- yet again forcasting such a wonderful morning that I'm enjoying TO PIECES! Let's see, what shall I begin griping about first?

Well, after a hundred jillion years of dry, cloudless skies, last night around midnight, Mother friggin Nature decided she was gonna let one RIP and started in with thunder and lightning. I love a good electrical storm, just like any other non-midwesterner who doesn't have to put up with it day in and day out. But my 12 year old kid and 10 month old pug DO NOT.

Having turned in at 10 pm after an entire weekend of back to school shopping at the local malls where everyone else and their cousin and stepsister and Aunt Gory (yes, a name really overheard) were also shopping and taking up room and walking down the aisles so slowly and stinking like unwashed butt because it seems that the malls don't care if their 80 degree thermostat settings make their shoppers sweaty and smelly, for which after hitting about 20 stores we netted 1, count em...1 pair of shorts, it could be said that I was exhausted.

So, my brain won't shut up and my body is already dead and all I can manage to do is drift into a very light sleep where I'm not sure if I've really been asleep yet or if the time that's gone by is miniscule because I know myself well enough that if I turn over and see the true time, it will only make my brain THAT MUCH MORE over active than it already is. Then the fun starts.

PRETEEN comes in my room, clutching the dog and shakes my shoulders saying, "Mom, I just heard some really loud rumbling and I don't know what it is."

To which my reply was, "hmmmmwhaddiditsoundlikethunderorabigtruckssnnnnooorrreeee"

"I dunno Mom but it scared me and Piper is scared too."


"Mom, MOM!!"


"It IS thunder cause I looked outside and there's bigass lightning going on!!!"

Oh joy. Rapture.

By this time the dog is trying to pry herself loose since she doesn't really relish looking out the window at midnight.

"Honey, let Pie go, so she can get in bed with me, and we're safe in the house so please go BACK to BED."

"But I WANT to hold her, it makes her feel better!"

"It makes YOU feel better and if you don't let her go, she's gonna bite you on the nose and I'm going to drag your ass up at 5:30 so you can get ready and come to work with me and find out how much fun it is not to get to sleep in for one more week until school starts!!! OKAY????"

"Fine!" Emphasized by the sweet sounds of stomping and a slamming door, followed by a muffled "Sorry" because he knows even though I'm tired, I WILL get out of bed and kill him for such insubordination.

Thank GOD school starts next week! :O)