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Wednesday, August 24, 2005 

I keep holdin' on to yesterday.

Ha ha! I bet I had you thinking I was gonna give this up, didn't I? Nooo, I'm committed to this blog dontchaknow. And hey, if anyone was wagering bets, I think it's only fair that I get a percentage!

Really, slip me some.

Over the weekend, we celebrated my Dad's 59th birthday. We took him to dinner at the Red Lobster where I consumed Aztec chicken because I don't like seafood all that much. Their version of a Bahama Mama is an interesting concoction though. This Mama was definitely thinking she was in the Bahamas after she drank a couple!

When dinner was over, we all headed back to give him his gifts and because my Mom got him one of these. Do you think it ever crossed her mind one time as she was salivating over the chocolate ganache that there was no way in my dermatologist's waiting room Hell that I could have even a morsel of that?

No. Not even a passing thought or the faintest whisper of a thought. Nothing passed through her synapses regarding my inability to consume chocolate without terrible, terrible consequences! And you know what the kicker is? Doctors say rosacea is hereditary and it comes from her side of the family!

All she said to me as I bemoaned my outcast state was, "Well honey, there's some Jerseymaid vanilla ice cream in the freezer you can have." Oh yeah, vanilla ice cream...woo hoo boy! Now THAT'S livin!
So I scooped myself out into a dish and silently told my inner rosacea demons to shut the *&%!?#$ up and be happy with it.

Monday rolled around and brought the start of the new school year with it. I am now getting up at 5:00 am to have enough time to take a shower, dry my hair and get my face put on before I drag the PRETEEN out of bed so that he can take a shower, drink breakfast (MILK) and collect our belongings before heading off to school. He has to be there by 7:30 and that leaves me with 30 minutes before I have to be to work. That's 30 more minutes I could have been dozing on the couch between plucking my stray eyebrows and wondering which piece of fruit has the least amount of mealiness inside.

My boss doesn't know what to think. Whereas I was consistently 15 minutes late everyday, I'm now going to be consistently 15 minutes early. And believe it or not, this makes for a LONG ASS day.

Yep, so even though it was nothing but whine, whine and groan, groan and bitch, bitch...I'm still here! :O)


Hmmm - thought I was workin hard... nothin on you. God u deserve a rich man with a plan.....
Love ya still and Ive never forgotten ya!
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