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Wednesday, November 09, 2005 

It's (not) raining men or anything else for that matter

Besides the 10,000 degree summers, the city in which I live is a veritable yawn fest when it comes to weather. In my nearly 40 years here, there have been 1 or 2 dust storms, 2.45 times that it accidentally snowed, numerous Winter mornings when it was surprisingly cold enough overnight to freeze the water pipes and lots of tulle fog sprinkled in for good measure.
I've been laughing at the newspaper, local weather people and of course the weather channel since Monday. They have all proclaimed that we'd be receiving rain...you know, any time now. 70% chance of showers during the morning, tapering off to 40% over night. Uh huh. Sure.

According to weather.com people, we WILL have water dripping from the sky during the evening commute!!!

Mother Nature loves to use this area as her personal science experiment, and often times she will stick our area under a big, invisible dome. Sort of like duck under glass, sort of. We've got the clouds and the warm (WARM? In November?!!) breeze, but nary the tiniest droplette has fallen from the sky.
